Exploration, excitement, a voyage to new territories. #MiucciaPrada toys with all the characteristics of a nautical atmosphere – colours, insignias, attitudes – to create a #MiuMiuMaritime collection, refracting these archetypal and classic sartorial gestures into unexpected new forms.

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Silhouetted against twin expanses of blue – the sky and the sea – the #MiuMiu crew of feminine sailors are captured by Johnny Dufort, poised on the concrete ramparts of the Plage de Bon-Secours at Saint Malo – a bathing pool jutting into the sea, man meeting nature. At this point of embarkation, where land meets water, this Miu Miu crew gazes out to the distance in anticipation – of a new beginning, a different season, a different perspective, broadened horizons. As ever, these Miu Miu women are part of a collective, a group – here, they are a fleet, an admiralty, their clothing unifying them, signifying their bond.

Maritime speaks of possibilities – the commencement of a journey. The coastline is not the end of the land, but rather marks the start of something new.


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