A ridiculous run, for a ridiculous reality. Let’s change this together, 92% of women don’t feel safe while running.

charly chaussure

Running with one earphone in, bringing an alert whistle, wearing loose clothing, notifying friends and family before and after a run; these are some of the realities that 69% of women runners all over the world face every day when thinking about their safety on a run. Safety is a widespread issue for women when running, who are regularly forced to take sole responsibility for their own protection. We think this reality is ridiculous, and it’s time we changed the narrative.

That’s why we created The Ridiculous Run, to drive greater awareness of the ridiculous realities women face every time they go for a run, and to encourage men to educate themselves on the issue and learn what it takes to be an ally . From wearing one headphone, to an all-out protective crew, the film asks what a ‘safe’ run looks like for a woman and calls on the community to help change the current reality.

Of the 69% of women who have taken precautions whilst running to feel safer, 28% shared their location with a friend. For this reason, we created the ability for a runners’ live location in the adidas running app, to be automatically shared with selected contacts to help track their run. We also found that 39% of women would feel safer as part of a running club, so we created a hub for runners to discover local community runs and other events that support the WWWR cause. Allyship is critical in working towards a world of equality and safety for all, which is why we launched our long-term initiative With Women We Run as part of our adidas Runner communities.

Now live in 49 countries and across 72 communities with the goal of creating long-lasting change at a grassroots level. The initiative highlights the need for ongoing education, with the goal of wider change in the culture of running to build strong and unified communities. Ongoing steps have been established to build safety within our running community. This includes the signing of the White Ribbon pledge for all existing and new adidas runners. to date the pledge has over 120,000 signatures, « I PLEDGE TO NEVER COMMIT, CONDONE, OR REMAIN SILENT ABOUT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” to cement our community’s firm stance to help take on gender-based inequality and violence. We believe that as runners and through the power of allyship, we are well placed to transform running culture and, in doing so, create a more gender-just world.

We believe that as runners and through the power of allyship, we are well placed to transform running culture and, in doing so, create a more gender-just world. Ongoing activities such as the With Women We Run monthly webinars delivered in partnership with White Ribbon, discussion panels and local community events are all crucial to continue raising global awareness and elevating community voices.

Head to https://www.adidas.com/withwomenwerun to find out how you can be part of the change – Running needs all of us.


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